
ModeliniaModels was founded by Erin (x.optimistic.x) and Zoe (fabulosa*04) on July 17, 2010.

Modelinia is not just some ordinary modeling agency. It is a place for girls/boys to express themselves and feel accepted around others as well as accepting themselves in their own skin, to have Confidence as a model; to feel Fierce and Unique.

How Modelinia came into establishment: FCMA owned by Zoe and MSD owned by Erin joined forces on July 17 2010 planning on bringing you something much more intriguing and innovative due to the controversy regarding their two agencies.

Modelinia will be posting interviews with models, holding competitions, and a spread in COVER MAGAZINE for the winning as well as polls and updates. So do you think you have what it takes to be a ModeliniaModel? Then apply today at our blog: ModeliniaonSd.blogspot.com

Judges : Zoe (Fabulosa*04) Erin (x.optimistic.x) and Maggie(Findurlove)

At our club: ModeliniaModels.

Here You will be given tasks and news about Modelinia, from the tasks, you will be judge by the judges ofcourse, based on how Creative you are as a Model, Your Hardwork, Potential, Loyalties and Personlities,.